Farmer with tractor seeding crops at field

Understanding Tractor Parts That Need to Be Maintained

Regular tractor maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and performance of your system machinery. By conducting regular inspections and providing consistent maintenance, you can keep your tractor running smoothly and prevent costly repairs or even premature replacement. In this article, we’ll walk through the importance of tractor maintenance, identify tractor parts that need to be maintained, and differentiate aftermarket tractor parts from OEM parts. Here’s everything you need to know:

The Importance of Tractor Maintenance

Farming is incredibly difficult without a tractor. This machinery is one of the most essential pieces of equipment farmers need to complete daily duties. Buying a tractor today is such a costly investment due to recent technology upgrades, so applying regular tractor maintenance to your machinery is more important now than ever.

Our first recommendation to avoid costly replacements is to familiarize yourself with your current tractor manual. In the manual, you will find detailed inspection notes specific to your tractor model, along with daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance tips. We’ll run through quick and easy maintenance tips that will prolong the service lifespan of your tractor.

Daily Care

Daily inspection is so important for caring for your tractor long-term. After each use session, walking around all sides of your tractor and visually inspecting for oil leaks, tire wear, dents, loose bolts on attachments, and dings are proactive ways to find minor damage before it becomes a costly repair.

Another essential factor of daily inspection for your tractor model is checking the three most important fluids within the system. Checking the hydraulic oil, engine oil, and coolant significantly reduces the chance of internal failure.

Freshening Up Goes a Long Way

Once you familiarize yourself with part specifications in your owner’s manual, you will find the range of recommended replacements after a certain number of hours. Tractor parts that need replacement over time include engines, transmissions, axels, breaks, filters, oil, and steering. Filters should be replaced closer to the 200-hour mark of usage, while more advanced components like engines and transmissions may need to be replaced past the 1,000-hour mark.

Freshening up your tractor parts that need to be maintained is a proactive measure that should be completed past 100 hours of usage to keep your machinery operating smoothly. Using grease guns is an excellent approach to reducing or eliminating wear and tear on the various moving parts of tractors. Also, applying liquid lubricant to the engine hood and hinges keep your machinery from squeaking while operating, which is key to preventing internal and external rust.

Fresh Air

Clouds of dust appear when tractors are in use. The collection of dust over time strains the engine, which needs to breathe clean air for optimal operation. Clouds of dust harm internal air filters, ultimately reducing the lifespan of your tractor. It is recommended to check the air filters within your tractor every 50 hours and apply replacements when needed.

Cold Weather Care

Many farmers park and cover their tractors for winter, especially in areas with harsh conditions like New York. If you are done with your tractor until spring, add fuel stabilizing solutions to keep fuel fresh come springtime. It is also recommended to periodically turn your tractor engine on and let it run for 20 minutes during cold weather to prevent rust or corrosion from building on internal parts.

Value of Aesthetics

Of course, tractors are designed to work in muddy conditions, and they will become dirty. Owners still need to be proactive in cleaning tractors, as dirt and debris work their way into parts, causing a buildup of rust and internal failure. Monthly pressure washing is recommended to remove built-up dirt and debris.


Are you a farmer or equipment manager interested in learning more about tractor parts that need to be maintained? Check out this article on common tractor parts to have ready for repair and replacement.

Tractor Parts That Need to Be Maintained

Preventative maintenance is a critical part of owning a tractor for farmers. If you want your machinery to run for as long as possible, you need to be dedicated to regular inspection and maintenance. Listed below are the most essential tractor parts that need to be maintained:

Air Filters

Tractor parts get dirty because they do the dirty work. Using various air filters helps protect internal components from dirt, debris, and dust. Farmers and equipment managers must have several spare air filters on hand at any given time because replacement might be necessary after anywhere from 50 to 200 service hours.

Engine Oil and Hydraulic Oil

Engine oil, over time, will get dirty and gunk up your internal tractor parts. That’s why it’s crucial to have a fuel supply at all times. Prime fuel conditioner improves fuel quality and maintains optimal engine efficiency.

Coolants and Fluid Level

Oil and fuel are the most important fluids you need to monitor and provide to keep your tractor’s engine running smoothly. Clean coolants prevent internal damage like rust and clogs in the engine. Regularly check and provide coolants and fluid for quality engine performance.

Replacement Belts

Tractors have several belts that keep your engine running smoothly. Over time, compressor belts, fan belts, and alternator belts will fail. It may take time to find replacement belts specific to your model, especially if you need a tractor for daily operations. Purchasing a spare belt for each component ahead of time eliminates possible downtime.

Maintaining Attachments

It’s important for farmers to keep machinery working well through all seasons with well-maintained tractor attachments. Listed below are tips for maintaining your tractor attachments:

  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Replace damaged blades and teeth
  • Check for loose nuts regularly
  • Check and change hydraulic oil
  • Inspect hydraulic hoses


Farmer in tractor preparing land with seedbed cultivator

Aftermarket Tractor Parts vs. OEM Tractor Parts

Your tractor will inevitably need new parts over time. Or you may be looking to upgrade machinery with new attachment technology. Farmers and equipment managers have the decision to make between aftermarket tractor parts and OEM tractor parts. Below, the two options are broken down:

OEM Tractor Parts

OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer. OEM equipment is built by the same company that supplied your tractor model.

Aftermarket Tractor Parts

Aftermarket products are supplied and built by a company like the Rangeline Group. These are tractor parts offered by a third-party designed to fit as many makes as possible. In general, it’s much cheaper to look for aftermarket tractor parts for maintaining machinery.

Choose the Best Tractor Maintenance and Attachments With the Rangeline Group

At the Rangeline Group, we have the necessary farming experience to provide your business or property with effective replacement parts and solutions for your tractors and machinery. Check out the complete listing of planter and tillage part offerings in our company catalogs. We are all about increasing efficiency, optimizing performance, and minimizing downtime. Contact our team of experts today for tractor parts that need to be maintained and replaced.